Evening fellow bloggers!
Today I had a jab for Hep B (since, for our own safety, we should be protected against certain infections/diseases).
I feel dead.
I actually do! Well, my arm cetainly does, in any case.
I hate injections xD Don't mind giving them but having injections myself? Nope!
So, how can you get over the initial side effects? (The pain, dead arm, stiffness etc...)
Here's a couple tips...
1. Take your mind off it - Listen to music or read a book. Even clean your room! Do something to keep your mind off the stiffness.
2. Keep moving - To avoid muscle stiffness keep moving that arm as you normally would. This means lift/raise your arm and do everyday jobs otherwise this can lead to a (even worse) dead arm the next day.
3. Relax - Take a nice warm bath and relax. It will make you feel better and will relieve the muscle soreness (:
If you really hate injections here are some survival tips...
1. Don't look - At the needle, that is.
2. Don't stop breathing - breathe slowly in through your nose, out of your mouth. This will relax you and hopefully reduce your HR (Heart rate) and BP (Blood pressure) too. Which means you hopefully won't faint...
3. Tighten your fists - Or just take a stress ball in with you.
Sorry It's been a short one today. I wasn't actually going to post today but I thought I'd just share my little jab experience! By-the-way, I didn't cry and I didn't faint. Like I did a few time before.. haha ^ ^;;
Tuesday, 28 February 2012
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- Emily
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