Hello viewers!
Thanks for continually viewing my blog and seeing what i've been up to recently!! (Even though i have been VERY lazy in regards to updating this!) ^_^;;
I promise I will keep updating regularly from now on!!
Anyway now to start with the subject of my post - 5 reasons why you should never give up!!
1. You'll eventually achieve if you keep trying hard - Achieving your dreams may seem like a million years away but you have to keep trying otherwise you may never succeed!
2. People will see you in a different light - People will see you as a more accomplished person! And of course everyone wants to be around a positive and successful person as it motivates others!
3. Once you achieve one goal, it will motivate you more - Achieving your dreams helps you to understand that you really CAN go far in life! YOU are in control of your life! No one and nothing else!
4. You could potentially fail more if you do give up - Failing can lead to negativity which thus can lead to more failing!
5. You're life will be more interesting! - Ever seen the movie 'Yes man'? By saying 'yes' more and accepting challenges, you have more chance to change your life for the better!
So those are my five reasons!! Hope you enjoyed reading! Speak to you soon! xx
Sunday, 30 March 2014
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- Emily
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