Well, this is my first post for April 2012! How exciting! I never thought that I would last five minutes writing this blog! I guess I'm really enjoying it now! (:
First off, how do you like th new look? I decided I'd be adventurous and change the template and my profile picture!! haha! (I'm not totally sure that blue carnations even exist although i have heard that they do in Japan...)
It's also finally the Easter school holidays which means two weeks of rest! Ahahaa.. NOT! More like two weeks of worrying about assignments, portfolios and clinical placement and hardly being able to breathe!!! OK.. calm down... breathe...
In this post I'm gonna be talking about procrastination and stress and how to overcome them.
I know I haven't been doing much theory stuff but I'll get to that all later! I want to deal with the issues that are bugging me at the minute so here goes...

What is it?
Putting off work 'til a later date. Saying to yourself 'Yep, I'll do that later' and actually not getting around to doing it! I shamefully do this too much...
Why do we do it?
Because maybe it's easier to pretend it isn't there or it isn't actually happening rather than addressing it straight away. It keeps the stress at bay by pretending it doesn't exist... well, until you are a week before the deadline! Also, we all know the feeling of fearing failure. And perfectionism is certainly not uncommon!
How can we overcome it?
OK, here are my tips...
1. Plan ahead: Write yourself a day-by-day study plan over the school holidays and over the week/weekends including what you are doing, where and at what time. This way you will have time for adequate breaks and rest and you'll also get the important stuff DONE!
2. Write it where you'll see it: Write yourself reminders for the deadline. On the date two weeks before the deadline on your calendar, write 'two weeks 'til deadline' or something. This helps you to get the remaining time in your head and it also helps you not to forget!! Also, write your study plan up in a proper diary. Don't write it on your phone. I know so many people who wrote things on the planner on their phone and forgot anyway because they only use their phones for Facebook...
3. Make studying enjoyable: Or at least as enjoyable as it gets. Don't just copy things out of a textbook. Watch videos on Youtube on the subject, Draw pictures or diagrams, make a presentation on it or write a blog or journal like I do (:
4. Recognise that no-one is perfect: This might be the hardest to do and it also may take the most time. Recognising that everyone will make mistakes is hard but eventually it is one of the only ways to cure procrastination.

What is stress?
Feeling overly anxious about something or feeling powerless and hopeless. We feel that we've lost control of events in our life.
Why does it happen?
Unfortunately, stress affects us all and apparently is occurs because of a build up of 'cracks' over time. Little 'cracks' start to appear everytime something mkes us anxious which eventually leads to us 'crashing down' or getting totally stressed about it whether it's something to do with assignments or exams or something else.
Another explanation for stress in the 'fight-or-flight' response. If you studyed A Level Psychology, you'll probably know about this. This theory suggests that when someone perceives a threat, it quickly releases hormones to help it survive. We experince this almost everytime something unexpected happens or something happens that stops us from reaching our goals. However, it needs to be controlled in order to remain calm in the short term and to maintain good health in the long term.
How can we keep calm under pressure?
Here are a few tips I thought up...
1. Keep a journal or diary: Hmm... This one has come up twice now! I have kept a diary before and I found it did help me a great deal in controlling my emotions.
2. Breathe: There are a range of different breathing techniques you can do to maintain emotional control. Unsurprisingly, I'm a bit of a trekkie and I'm a huge fan of Vulcan Meditation. Try it for yourself. Also, Yoga it good for breathing techniques. Breathing techniques are great for helping you to control your emotions under pressure because it is easy to do and remember and you won't look weird for doing it!
3. Exercise: I love exercising! I have just started running again! The area in which I live is perfect for running because there are small pathways along the river and the fields near my house. So, it's great twice a week to go running amongst nature! It also encourages you to drink more fluids, breathe deeper, eat healthily and build up your physical and psychological strength.
4. Get a stress ball: These are great fun, if not helpful in relieving stress!
5. Watch a movie: I always watch anime when I'm in a mood. Dunno why... probably because it makes me laugh! So, watch a comedy, it really works!
6. Massage: This helps to relieve some of the tension stress causes in your muscles.
7. Have a relaxing bath: Having a nice warm bath always relaxes me! Grab some scented candles too!
8. Listen to music: Above all, I love listening to music especially when I'm stressed or frustrated. However, there are two problems with this. If you listen to music alone, it could make you feel more isolated because obviously you won't be talking to anyone. Secondly, depressing music will just make you feel worse! Why not try listening to classical music. I love classical. I'd suggest Ludovico Einaudi, Craig Armstrong, Loreena McKennitt or Two Steps From Hell. I know so many people think Classical is boring but try to be open minded. Classical is so underrated. If not, try more acoustic or country bands/artists such as Boyce Avenue, Rascal Flatts, Nickelback, Tracy Chapman or Carrie Underwood. Why not try movie soundtracks too. Most are classical but they are awesome! Have a look at Carter Burwell (soundtrack for Twilight), John Powell (soundtrack for How To Train Your Dragon), Yoshihisa Hirano and Hideki Taniuchi (soundtrack for Death Note anime), Stephen Flaherty (soundtrack for Anastasia) and Howard Shore (soundtrack for Twilight: New Moon). Also you could have a look at Christian music. The bands/artists I like include: Fireflight, Skillet, Flyleaf, The Devil Wears Prada, Paige Armstrong, Beckah Shae, Britt Nicole, Pillar, Plumb, Disciple, Superchick and RED. I could go on all day! Just try different types of music. It will calm you down and make you happier!
So, those are my tips!
I hope you enjoyed this post! I'll be back with more theory later on!
See you later!
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