Sunday 27 May 2012

First Placement

Hello everyone!
Yes! I'm finally back! Please accept my apology for not posting for a while! Everything has been so up-in-the-air lately especially with clinical placement and so many assignments! I suppose I had so much more free time to post at the beginning of the year but now my timeis so limited because of how many essays we have to do!! Anyway, It's good to be back! I love posting/updating this blog because it makes me feel as if I've accomplished something for the day ^ ^ Over the past few weeks I've actually been on placement and I must say, it was such a fun time! And it was so different to what I've ever done before.

My first placement was on an infection control ward, an isolation ward, which means that instead of having bays, the patients had their own side rooms with their own shower, toilet and wash basin. And before we entered or left a room, we had to put on or take off gloves and aprons and wash our hands to reduce the spread of infection. Most of our patients were admitted with gastrointestinal complaints such as C-Diff but we also had patients with MRSA as well.

Looking back, it was so much fun and I gained so much experience just from those five weeks. The staff were so friendly towards me and I felt quite comfortable. I know that many of my other fellow students did not have such luck and were paired with quite b**chy mentors!! xD But I must say, for the most part, the others enjoyed their placements too. I was worrying so much that I wouldn't enjoy the work or that I'd make too many mistakes or end up killing a patient!! luckily, I didn't... Also, because my ward was infection control, We were required to wear 'scrubs'. Now if you dont know what these are all I'll say is this... Ever watched 'Scrubs' as in the TV show? Y'know the uniforms they wear? The sleepwear-looking blue/green outfits. Yeah, we got to wear those which was quite an experience.

I also had a lot of learning oppourtunities. For instance, I was shown around pharmacy (which is a pretty incredible place, actually!), Endoscopy, the blood bank, MDTs, EAU, pathology, microbiology, infection control (the actual team and department)... and so many other departments that I cannot actually call to mind right now.

I also was fortunate enough to have a second-year with me on the ward. She helped me so much and assisted in my efforts to get used to the structure and routine of the ward.

I learnt a lot from this experience. I did make a few mistakes but on my first placement, it was expected. Looking back, there are a few things I wish I'd have said and a few things I wish I hadn't. Working 37.5 hours a week, 8 hours a day, on a shift pattern was difficult but it made the experience all the more interesting. Meeting other HCPs was quite an experience as well. I'd never worked alongside doctors, consultants, phlebotomists, pharmacists, dieticians, physiotherapists, occupational therapists etc. so this was also an interesting experience.

overall, i really enjoyed my first placeent and I hope my next will be just as good! Anyway, I've spoken enough! I have so much more to chat about but that can all come in a later post!! 'Til next time, Emily x


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