Today I'll be chatting about the nursing books i could not live without (Well... okay... I COULD live without them but it would be hard...). These books are my favourite by-the-way. I have so many i love but these are the main ones! ^ ^ Head down to your uni library if you are interested. I haven't linked them to Amazon or anything because almost every uni library will have these books. Do you really want to waste £130 of your student bursary on one book? That's what I thought... Just search your library catalogue. It saves pennies. So, here we go. In no paticular order...

Such an amazing book but SO heavy -_-... This is the most important book of your training though, whcih regards to learning clinical procedures anyway. This has pretty much EVERY nursing procedure but it's great to learn from because its set out well, with great diagrams and in an easy-to-read way. Probably not a good idea to buy this or some of the other books mentioned in this post as many, if not all of these are very expensive (some over £100...) Just head down to your university library. More often your uni library will have withdrawn books and you will be able to take them home for free. Anyway, I love this book so get one if you can!

British National Formulary
This book is a must for when you are on the wards! It simply lists all drugs and their indications, side effects etc. I believe they are released a couple times every year (March and Sept, I think) which is great because it means they are always up-to-date. Plus, they are always such pretty colours!! Anyway, don't panic if you don't have one, every ward has at least three or four. You don't have to pay Amazon prices either. Just run down to your pharmacy dept. and ask if they have any they are chucking out. (They always want up-to-date ones obviously). So, get your hands on one!!

Every nurse needs to have some knowledge about A&P and this book is amazing! It's pretty heavy for the layman mentally and physically (It'a a BIG book...) but it's a must for any student of biology or healthcare.

Principles of Anatomy & Physiology
This book is actually available as two separate volumes and is actually one of the best A&P books I've read. It covers almost everything you need to know as a student nurse and is perfect for assignments. This book was actually recommended by the A&P lecturers and I found so many copies in the library. Only problem was that I would have to stay in the stacks and flick through the book to make sure I had the right volume with the right topics in before taking it out! Other than that, highly recommended!

I LOVE this series because, being a first year, some aspects of the course and of your training are quite daunting. This series helps to clarify some of the harder topics. Each chapter starts with the very basics and gradually delves into the deeper and more analytical stuff. The text is broken up into smaller paragraphs, making it easy to read. And text is also accompanied by cartoon pictures which is quite cool. There are quite a lot of books in this series and so far I've only read about three/four but I hope to read them all eventually! There are books on: Wound care, critical care, clinical skills, fundamentals of care, mental health, nursing pharmacology, assessment, nutrition, paediatrics and many more! Check them out!

Although this is a book of little pages but is very easy to get through. It simply comprises of a lot of drug calculations and is set out like a maths textbook. But it starts with the easy stuff and gradually gets to the more difficult calculations. It's easy to carry around, weighs practically nothing and the answers are at the back which helps you to check what ones you got right or wrong... Anyway, this is a MUST! I love it!

This was one of the very first books that I took out at the library and it's brilliant!! It helps students to gain an insight into nursing before going on their first placement and it really did help me a lot. It gave me insight regarding what to expect once I stepped on the wards. I actually kept this in my bag during lectures in case I had a spare minute to have a read and I'd also read it on the bus. It's easy to carry around and cover a multitude of topics. I also used this for my interprofessional module!! Like gold dust!!
Well, I suppose that covers it! I hope you have found this post useful! I've been under a lot of stress lately what with so many assignments and trying to arrange my next clinical placement (which is actually with a district nurse, buzzing! lol) I hope you are well and I hope you have time to research into these books because I love them and have found them so beneficial!
Take care!
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