Wednesday 6 June 2012

Introduction to Ethics & Moral Reasoning

Hi there! Today I'll be briefly talking about moral reasoning and ethics.

Why is Ethical and Moral Reasoning important in Nursing?
*Often faced with situations that involve moral and ethical issues andd concerns and dilemmas about what is the right thing to do.
*Caring for patients involves complex interactions and treatments
*Raises questions about whether we are going harm or good.

Comparison between Morals and Ethics

*Principles and rules of right conduct
*Private and personal
*Commitment to priciples and values usually defended in daily life

*Professionally and publically stated
*Involves process of questioning and perhaps changing one's morals
*Inquiry and study of principles and values
*Formal responding process used to determine right conduct

Factors influencing Ethical decision making
*Social & cultural attitudes

Ethical Principles
*Autonomy - Right to self-determination
*Beneficence - Duty to do good
*Non-maleficence - Duty to prevent harm
*Veracity - Truth telling
*Justice - Fairness and equality
*Paternalism - Allows someone to make a decision for another
*Fidelity - Duty to keep to ones promises and commitments
*Respect for others - Duty to treat others respectfully and without prejudice

Take a look at the video below:

Further Reading

Siviter, B. (2008) The Student Nurse Handbook, 2nd Edn. Bailliere Tindall.

Fant, C. (2011) Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing [Online]. Available at: (Accessed: 6 June 2012).

NMC (2008) The code: Standards of conduct, performance and ethics for nurses and midwives. Nursing & Midwifery Council.

Well, I suppose this concludes a rather short but interesting topic! I'll be back later with more!! :D



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