For now though I'm gonna explain Eye care! Enjoy!!
Eye Care
For this you will need:
A sterile galley pot, gloves and apron, sterile towel, sterile normal saline solution, sterile low-linting gauze swabs, artificial tears or eye ointment.
How to do it

* Assemble the equipment at the patients bedside. Open the sterile towel and open all sterile equipment on to this.
* Pour a small amount of saline solution into the galley pot. Open the sterile gauze using an aseptic technique and place on the sterile towel.
* Wash your hands thoroughly, put gloves and an apron on and inform the patient of what you would like to do in order to gain consent, even if the patient is comatose or unresponsive.
* To remove secretions or crusts adhering to the eyelids and eyelashes, first soak gauze in sterile normal saline solution. Then gently wipe the patients eye with the moistened gauze, working from the inner canthus to the outer canthus to prevent debris and fluid from entering the nasolacrimal (tear) duct.
* After cleaning the eyes, instil artificial tears or apply eye ointment, as prescribed, to keep them moist.
* After giving eye care, dispose of the galley pot, apron and gloves. Use new equipment for each care episode.
Documenting eye care
* Record the time and type of eye care in your notes.
* If applicable, record administration of eye drops or ointment in the patient’s medication chart.
* Document unusual crusting or excessive or coloured drainage and report findings as appropriate
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