I know it's been a week but so much has happened! I've been so busy trying to make an effort on my assignment and portfolio that I've (almost) forgotten about this blog! So, i'm sorry about that! Also, I've been trying to get ready for my placement and everything which has been really stressful! The couple hours i get when I return from uni everyday is simply leisure (like lounging around watching The Walking Dead).
So, for this post no theoretical stuff. No A&P, no OBS, no IPL... NONE of that today! I'll be talking about study skills (and hopefully this will motivate me to want to study harder!!) This won't just apply to health and social care students (Nurses, social workers, radiographers, ODPs...) but it'll apply to ANY student - whether you are at GCSE level, Advanced level or degree level.
So, I'll be dividing this post up into sections: Who, what, where, when, why and how? So, lets begin!!

Depending on your personality you will either work alone or in groups.
Personally I prefer to study alone. I actually CANNOT study with others. I'm not unsociable, in fact i'm the very opposite - if i study with others i will end up talking about something else. Like, shopping, gigs, piercings, food, music... stuff like that. Which obviously has NO relevance to the endocrine system whatsoever. Anyway, if you choose to go it alone then by all means do so. Don't think that you can't. Just because you're friends aren't gonna walk you to the library or whatever, you can still be independent and study on your own. Besides, if you study alone you can focus on the areas you specifically need to work on, you can stay as long as you want and take breaks when you want. You'd actually be surprised how many people study alone. Almost everyone! Plus, I always think that study groups are just EXCUSES to be together. To 'study'. Riiiiight. It's like a 'study date'. Dude, you're not going to study... Who would study on a DATE?! Hello?! Moving on, If you are going to study alone, make sure you have everything you need such as your study utensils and plan (we'll get to that bit later) and make sure you have a suitable area for study. Figure out if you work best in silence or with some background music or a little mummering from others in the background. I remember at A level I would always study in the library after four because most of the kids from years seven to eleven had gotten fed up by then and gone home. Therefore, the library was blissfully peaceful! I was friends with the librarian so she'd let me stay until six sometimes! Also, choose a computer or desk that is in a perfect position: either near the stacks in the library for quick referencing, or opposite a window for perfect ventilation; near the water fountain for hydration or in the corner for tranquility. It's up to you so at the beginning of the year seek out these little areas so you aren't squeezed elbow to elbow with other students at 'rush hour'!
In groups
Even though I don't really study in groups that often I still find it quite fun! (IKR! Bet you weren't expecting THAT!) Like they say: 'two heads are better than one' and in the case of studying, sometimes it works better to have a study-buddy or a couple other people to lay the snakes out flat, so to speak. Studying with others can be great because its not only a social thing but it's a peer-support thing. What I mean is, if 'you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours'. If you don't get something, someone else can clarify it for you and help you. If you get something they don't, then you can help them to understand so it works out by helping each other. Also, you can study in different ways, E.G. by presentations, discussion and debates ETC. Not only that, but you'll be improving your communication skills which is very important for any student - it will help you no end in university interviews, job interviews, on your CV, in the workplace, make friends in the future... the list goes on. So, don't dismiss the idea of working with others. it can be great fun. However, beware of digressing conversations and laziness. Some people may also try to get away with doing nothing while the 'smart ones' do it all. Which can be extremely annoying.
This section will talk about WHAT you should study. Again I'll divide this up...
Lecture notes
So many people write a ton of lecture notes in their notebooks but can be fussed to type the notes up and print them out for their folders. WHY?! It literally takes about ten minutes tops. Plus, going over what was covered in classes will motivate you to research more and will clarify to you what was said about a certain topic and what wasn't (I.E. what the lecturer expects you to do extra/individual research on).
After typing up your lecture notes, try to ascertain what you DID understand and what you didn't. The stuff that you didn't understand is probably the stuff that is more pressing. Its the stuff you should study/cover first.
So when you've chosen the topic you don't get, you can choose where you'll get the informaion. So, where do you start? In most libraries you won't just have books. There will be internet access, journals, e-books, CDs, DVDs ETC. And you can use any of these (probably not the CDs and DVDs for assignments...) to aid your study. As long as it helps you to understand a topic. Thats the main thing. Also you can normally reserve and renew books online, whether its your local or university library.
Choosing the book/journal
So, lets say you've decided to just look in books for now. You are standing in the aisle for 'Nursing' and you have NO idea what book to pick out. What the heck do you do? Well, first off, scan the book spines for titles. If you are looking up something about ATP, it's no good looking at a book that is entitled 'Guide to clinical placements', is it? So, think logically. Look for an A&P book if you want to know about ATP. Look for student guides if you are looking up clinical placements.
So, now you've picked up a book and it looks kind of relevant. What do you do? Well, open the book and flip through it. Is it set out in a way that you'd easily learn from it. If you are a visual learner, does it have plenty of pictures? If you are a logical learner, does the book go into lots of detail or does it just cover the basics? Also, think about whether you'll be taking the book out or not. If you are, is it of suitable size to carry it around for a few hours (or at least your trip home)?
And once you've got it?
Sometimes I start typing up whats in the book, word for word. But then i just get bored and start watching anime. Which kinda defeats the object. So, perhaps scan through the chapter before writing notes and place post-it notes over the paragraphs that are most relevant? Then, why not leave the computer for a while and draw up a mind up, jotting down key points of important information and colouring it so the key bits stand out? you could also write up notes on it and then type. Sure it may take a bit longer but you'll be going over the information twice which makes the studying actually WORTH it and you'll definately understand it afterwards. You could also make little revision cards on the key info. By-the-way, they don't literally HAVE to be 'cards'. I studied using revision cards and just paper did fine for me.

Determining where to study really makes a difference. But you can either study at home or at your institution / university / school / college.
This covers grandmas house, your student accomodation, your friends house ETC. I alwyas say 'oh, yeah, I'll just do it at home'. And then I don't. haha. But sometimes studying at home isn't that bad. You may be distracted but if you have the house alone you will, hopefully, be free from major distractions. Unless the TV is calling you... Remember that if you study at home you will have distractions like 'dinner time' which you think 'ahh i need a break anyway. You'll have brother and sisters screaming the house down. You'll have mummy popping in to put the washing away or if your bedroom is next to the bathroom like mine is, someone will flush the toilet and you're concentration will diminish rapidly. Oh and if your brothers or sisters call up to you telling you someones on the phone for you or that 'Alcatraz' is on TV and you really CAN'T miss an episode... Anyway, what i mean is, home has so many distractions. If you can take it, sure. But I don't have tonnes of breaks and prefer to study for like an hour or two at a time. But it's up to you.
Sometimes there will be cafes or studying areas you can just take a book to and read or take notes from quietly. However, obviously there is the library where more resources are available to you. Every institution is different though and some campus unis can get really crowded so the library at three is not the best place to go for peace and seclusion. Why not go slightly off campus so a small bar or cafe and just read for about thirty minutes and wait for the rush hours to die down. That way you can definately get a computer in the library later.
In bed
Okay, i can explain! Read a book before you go to bed. If you don't like reading, tough. Get used to it. You'll need to like reading in order to pass the course. Even if you dont read fiction before bed its always good to read something before you hit the hay. Research shows that reading for 15 minutes reduces your stress by 70%. Others say more. Also, reading just a couple pages a night is better than nothing. I've started doing this and i'm actually learning a lot. A lady in my classes mentioned something that I wouldn't have even known if i hadn't read it in the book i'm currently reading!
When travelling
Not just in bed. Yes, on the bus, in the car (if you're not driving!) and on the train just read a few pages. Not even that. It will help so much towards your knowledge!
You can actually study in the park, at the beach... anywhere! Outdoors is actually a great place to escape to if the house is too noisy or the library is jam-packed! It's stress relieving and almost fun! Just be careful you don't get sunburn or anything!
It's important to decide what time to study as it determines how much information you retain and how long you will study for.
In the morning
There's a girl in my classes who always says that she studies and prepares for classes in the morning before she goes to uni. Now, I personally wouldn't recommend this. Why? Because in the morning, generally you are probably rushing around to get ready. Therefor you'll have limited time to study. If you procrastinate and just sit at your desk thinking, then you'll have wasted precious sleeping time so theres no point. Some are more alert in the morning (I am, i know) but even so, save your energy for lectures and seminars. Give yourself more time to prepare. Don't get up early in order to do so. The mornings should be to allow for a hearty breakfast and to get your circulation and brain juices flowing! Also, NEVER study for exams in the morning! It only makes you panic. I know plenty of people who've done this in the past and have literally MUCKED UP the exam because of it. Study the night before but leave the books in the morning. Don't be tempted.
In the afternoon
Lunchtimes are actually good times to allow for study time! This may be difficult if you eat with friends because they might call you a geek.. my friends do... But don't let that deter you! If you are THAT worried, just read a couple pages from your book like we said earlier. Later in the afternoon, say three-ish, is probably the time I set out for study. It gives me time alone so I can focus and, even though I am tired, I have time to type and print out notes and print out research for tomorrows classes. I also have time to read around a topic and look for better books. I've even stayed at the library until about nine at night! Plus, if you want a break you can always go for a wander. Our campus shop at UCS is literally just under the library so it's perfect for getting late afternoon snacks! I also believe this is the case with University of Essex as well and a few other unis.
In the evening
The evening is great for study too! This is the time i have at home for myself or for extra study. I can update this blog or read from books or journals or e-books. Or I can do a bit more to my assignment or just watch anime! I try to get at least an hour a day study time in. Even if it's just scanning through internet pages for something. But I would say that past eleven, studying is not good. You'll be too tired to process the information and you do need sleep in order to keep up good grades.
whats the point of studying and reading around a topic?
C'mon! If you don't study then your grades will obviously fail! But I guess many people do actually think that there is no need to read around a topic or do extra research, but there is! If, like me, you are studying to become a HCP, then you need to keep up-to-date with medical research and this entails reading around a topic. Also, to become a competent student you will need to UNDERSTAND a topic. Not just 'know'. I found this to be the case with many of my fellow sixth formers. Most thought they were okay just reading from the textbook a few minutes from the exam. Nope. They weren't. You need to understand what you are learning and make the knowledge your own. Don't just accept what the book says. Use other books and journals, written by different authors. Everyone has a different take on the world. Authors will disagree and maybe you will disagree with what they have written. In fact, in exams by pointing out research flaws you actually get the higher grades. This was certainly the case in psychology.
For your own competency
Kind of touched on this one. But if you study hard and really put in the effort, you will obviously have a better knowledge. This will set you up better for jobs and will aid in your future choices and decision making.
No-one likes looking like a fool. So don't walk into a lecture without having some idea (at least) of what the lecture will be about. I don't just mean knowing what the title of the lecture is, I mean knowing what the title suggests.
And finally, how can you study?
You can study by writing notes from a textbook or drawing up diagrams or mind maps to help you retain the information. Revision cards or making a quiz for yourself and others.
You can have a group discussion or debate on a given topic which will allow for new ideas. You can also give presentations or just chat about a topic to someone who isn't on your course or knows nothing about the topic.
By this, I mean using technology to learn. So, you can type up your notes. Make a slideshow presentation. Or just record your voice on a tape recorder. My A level PE teacher suggested that we record a fake-radio show once. He even suggested we make up a song! I thought it was a dumb idea at first but, thinking back to it now, it wasn't actually a bad idea in terms of remembering information!
Just an easier and more fun way to remember stuff.
You get the idea by now (: read just a few pages a day of any book that relates to your course!
Practise exam questions
Exam questions are great because they are specific to most students needs and very relevant!
Role play
If you are doing a health and social care course like me, you could ask a sibling or family member to be a guinea pig so you can practice things like vital signs for instance.
Well, that is it for now! I hope this has helped! It has motivated me to keep studying hard, actually! Sometimes, i must say, i feel like giving up. Sometimes I think to myself that I'm never gonna improve or I think that others are so much better than I am but I know thats just me being underconfident. It's me undervaluing myself. I know I shouldn't but I just do. If you do this, don't worry! I can totally understand! It can be hard when you feel inexperienced and unworthy and you are not! Just keep trying hard! Enjoy what you are learning! you'll never be a student again! (unless you do post-grad -_-...) So enjoy the experience! But give yourself plenty of breaks and make the most of the time you have to learn!
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