I decided to upload a list of medical terms/phrases that might help you to understand them a bit. Hope this helps.
Key Terms - Life Sciences
a-, an- [Without or lacking]: Anaerobic, anemia
ad- [Toward]: Adrenalin
amphi- [both sides of, two]: amphibian
ana- [Up against]: anatomy, anabolic
anti- [Against, opposite, opposed to]: antibiotic, antigen, antibody
arthro- [Joints]: Arthritis
auto- [self, same]: autoimmune
bi- [Two]: bicarbonate
bio- [Life]: Biology
blast- [pertains to embryo]: osteoblast
broncho- [windpipe]: bronchus, bronchi, bronchitis
carb- [coal]: carbon, carbohydrate
cardio- [heart]: cardiac, myocardium, electrocardiogram
cat- [down, download]: catabolic
chloro- [green]: chlorophyll, chlorine
chromo- [colour]: chronosome
com- con- col- co- [with, together]: coenzyme
cranio- [cranium, skull]: cranial
cuti- [Skin]: cuticle
cyto-, cyte [Vessel or container]: cytoplasm, cytokinesis, leukocyte
de- [away, off, removal, separation]: dehydration
derm- [skin]: dermis, epidermis
dia- [passing through, through, thorough]: diaphragm
endo- [within]: endoderm
gastro- [stomach]: gastric
gen- [born, produced]: geneology
gluco-, glyco-[pertaining to sugar]: glucose, glycogen, glycolysis
hemo-, hemato-, hemia, -emia [Blood]: hematology, hemoglobin
hepato- [Liver]: hepatitis
hetero- [Other, different]: heterogeneous
histo- [web of a loom, pertains to biological tissues]: antihistamine
homo-, homeo- [same, similar]: homeostasis
hydro- [water]: dehydration
hyper- [over, above, more than]: hyperthyroid
Saturday, 17 March 2012
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